Monday, May 18, 2009

The darkness that surrounds us cannot hurt us. It is the darkness in your own heart you should fear.

Real pain is not the one that we scream out loud, the one that we can easily tell over a cup of tea at a friend's house on a late summer evening. I mean, it is not the one that we preach, because there is no good lesson to learn from it. Instead, it is the pain we hide and keep deep inside of us and the one that we seem to just not be able to cry out on one's shoulder. It is the one that is implemented so deep, that we just hold it away from others' eyes, just like an ugly scar.

What have we done to deserve it? We don't know. How did we manage to see the day after? Again, we don't know.

Real pain is the one that is stitched so deep under your skin and into your every cell, but still manages to get out bit by bit at times, through a look, a word, melody or scent. And once you recognize it, you try to run off and never look back. Oh, but we can't hide from it anywhere, we can't just run away from what's inside of us...

It is only after we've seen true pain and survived it that we are finally able to tell Heaven from Hell.

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